Gregory Dragon
This is a trying time for little dragons. But, like all little dragons, Gregory Dragon is making the best of it.
Gregory Dragon Stays In was written to acknowledge the feelings of little dragons stuck inside, and to offer them encouragement and support.
This is a difficult time for little dragons. But like all little dragons, Gregory Dragon does his best not to be sick. And so he takes Amoxicillin medicine. If you want to read more about this medicine, then go to the page of this site.
Profits from the sale of this book will go to charities that work with little dragons so that they might continue their important work when this moment has passed.
Gregory Dragon is just like all the other dragons, or so the narrator says. But Gregory Dragon disagrees and refuses to let the story be told until he’s had his say.
Written and illustrated by Greg Sullivan for his son Gregory on his fifth birthday, this delightful little story teaches that being different is something we all have in common.
"Here you see a little dragon,
Gregory is his name..."

About The Author

Greg Sullivan has written several films for children and has helmed multiple kid’s television series as lead writer. He’s also an award-winning graduate of the UCLA Screenwriting Program and has been featured on the prestigious Black List. His feature, Erin’s Voice, was optioned by Academy Award nominated producer Robbie Brenner and his next feature is in pre-production now.
Greg’s animation work has been featured in film and on TV. Most recently you’ll have seen his work depicting the landing of the Mars Insight lander which he produced in cooperation with JPL.
Knowing Then, Greg’s first novel, is slated to be released later this year and will be shortly followed by another in 2020.
When he’s between furious bouts of writing, Greg works as a Creative Director and Producer of virtual reality experiences, animation for TV and film, and internet content.
When he’s not doing all that he’s the proud husband of one Mrs. Angela Sullivan and the real Gregory who is not, despite what you might believe, an actual dragon.
Knowing Then
Greg’s debut novel is certainly not for little dragons.
Visit for more information. Coming soon…